
Life Skills Coaching and Certification

What is the Definition of Life Skills?

According to The New Dynamics of Life Skills Coaching,

Life Skills, precisely defined, are problem-solving behaviours appropriately and responsibly used in the management of personal affairs. As problem-solving behaviours, life skills liberate in a way, since they include a relatively small class of behaviours usable in many life situations. Appropriate use requires an individual to adapt the behaviours to time and place. Responsible use requires maturity or accountability. Also, as behaviours used in the mangement of personal affairs, life skills apply to five areas of life responsibility identified as self, family, leisure, community and job.

Allen, S. (1995). The new dynamics of Life Skills Coaching. YWCA of Metropolitan Toronto, p. 15.

What is the Life Skills Coaching Program?

According to George Brown College,

[The] Life Skills Coaching Program recognizes that life skills coaching is an important addition to the field of adult education. Life skills coaching is conducted according to the learning principles/model that are proven for use with groups. This means trained coaches are able to apply the fundamental principles of life skills to any group work experience. 

“Life Skills Coaching Program.” Life Skills Coaching Program | Program | George Brown College Continuing Education,

Life Skills Coaching Certification